Obituary: William (Bill) Francis Perkins (QM 1944-46)

Passed away 12th November 2019

Bill Perkins was born in Aldridge in the spring of 1932. He attended Queen Mary’s before joining the Royal Navy, followed by a career in industry.

One of Bill’s passions was Rugby Football and it was Mr Terry, Head of Lower School ,who first introduced him to it. His enjoyment of the game was cemented by W.B. Hopkins, also a very well known player at Walsall Rugby Club and with whom Bill maintained a close friendship. Bill played for various sides in the 50s and 60s and became a stalwart of Walsall Rugby Club, holding the post of President between 1985 and 1991. Many of the friendships established at QM became lifelong through his continued association with both Walsall rugby and cricket clubs.

Bill’s career enabled him to travel extensively and in 1981 he started his own company specialising in smoke and ventilation systems. Bill successfully grew SE Controls into an organisation employing over 150 staff with operations in the UK, the Far East, Middle East, India and South Africa.

Bill’s wife Deirdre died in 2016. Bill is survived by his daughter Caroline and son William.


Obituary: Frank W(indsor) Higgins (QM 1939-47)


Obituary: Colin Douglas Tyler (QM 1943-50)