Coronavirus: Rhys Llewellyn (QM 2014-16)

Since the beginning of my final year, I have loved working in my local community pharmacy, better understanding the challenges and opportunities the sector provides, as well as supporting an essential service in these difficult times. Having worked in the Pharmaceutical Industry for a year, and having secured my first choice Pre-Registration place with North Bristol NHS Trust, working in the community is helping me to gain a full appreciation of the profession and those who serve in it. I was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to become a trained Vaccinator which is something I am very proud of and have been working on over the past couple of weeks. I recently worked a day as a vaccinator and will be doing so again over the coming months to help in the national effort.

The challenge of performing the procedure, which is potentially stressful and uncomfortable for patients, as well as representing students of pharmacy, is one I am grateful for and will continue to meet head on. Whatever role we can play as members of our profession, be it in advising and managing medicines in the community, supporting wards in hospital or even in providing direct service though vaccination, we seek out these opportunities, show our skills, and demonstrate value we can all offer.



Owen Strickland (QM 1984-92)


Coronavirus: Dennis Bayley (QM 1947-54)